Automated Enforcement

Safer and smarter roads. Fully-automated solutions.

Automated enforcement technology. Seamlessly integrated to make commercial vehicle enforcement safer and smarter.

Traffic Safety

Unstoppable traffic safety. Unparalleled screening tech.

Maximize traffic safety with our automated enforcement solutions which combine real-time vehicle screening technologies and weight compliance. Our virtual weigh stations and direct enforcement systems deliver efficient, non-stop enforcement for improved road safety.

advanced screening technology

Advanced screening. Safer transportation.

Modern enforcement systems use advanced screening tech for dimensioning, overload and tire safety screening, vehicle identification, and inspection status. Our automated systems bring all these technologies together to ensure safer, smarter transportation corridors— to keep vehicles on the move to their destination.

Did you know?

We’re automating enforcement to simplify traffic safety monitoring.

Our automated enforcement solutions combine real-time vehicle screening technologies and weight compliance. Our virtual weigh stations and direct enforcement systems deliver efficient, non-stop enforcement for improved road safety.

virtual weigh stations

Drive by screening. Virtual vehicle monitoring.

Our Virtual Weigh Stations (VWS) monitor truck weights and enhance road safety more efficiently than traditional stations by identifying overloads and providing real-time assessments without requiring vehicles to even stop, automating and expediting the process and reducing the need for manual checks.

direct enforcement weigh-in-motion

Enforce weight regulations. Ensure vehicle compliance.

Our automated solution enforces compliance with weight regulations for commercial vehicles 24/7, with or without staffing. WIM accuracy is continuously maintained for accurate and reliable weighing.